Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Homework Overload—How to Manage

Have you ever had various homework assignments, paper, and tests all due around the same time? Well, that is my homework situation this week, so I decided to focus on the implementation of a schedule that will get work done in a timely manner. In the previous post (January 20th), I talked about using a calendar to help plan your day. If you find yourself in my situation of homework overload, you might find it helpful to plan out a daily schedule that specifies not only what time you will start a given assignment, but also how long you will spend on that assignment. Your schedule does not need to be planned down to the minute, and you can slightly alter it to fit your needs as the day goes by. It is important to remember to not alter the schedule too much, because it provides a basic outline that will keep you on track in all you endeavors. Considering all details, such as calculating how much time it will take to walk back to the dorm, to eat each a meal, and even the time it takes to shower, will visibly show you how time adds up. Being conscious of the time NOT spent doing homework will keep you on track and focused during your scheduled homework time (and help you recognize how much time is wasted by that half hour spent on Facebook). Good luck!

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