Midterms, papers, projects are all piling up these last couple weeks before spring break, making it a very stressful time. One way to help alleviate the stress (if you have homework schedules planned), is to spend time with friends. It is also always a great stress reliever to hangout and relax with some good friends. Friends understand and can sympathize with the stress of school; and spending time with them either discussing all the stress you are under or just having a good time can refresh you making it easier to tackle that major paper that is a significant portion of your grade. Moreover, it is helpful to use time spent with friends as a reward for studying. It is also important to have balance in your life, so a balance between school work and a social life is important. You don’t want to go overboard on the social aspect though and forget about your school work. Instead utilize your time with your friends to build relationships, relax, and take a break from the stress of school. I have been extremely stressed with multiple tests and papers due, and after doing homework all Saturday afternoon, it was extremely helpful to have dinner with a friend who was able to sympathize with my stress as well as provide encouragement to keep pushing through. She also inspired me to continue working for a couple more hours after our date before taking the rest of the night off and spending it with friends. By using the time I spent with friends as a reward for getting work done I was also able to focus better, and then get even more recharged after spending time with my friends!